Ever since the global recovery from the financial crisis, more and more High-Net-Worth Individuals have concentrated a significant part of their efforts into wealth management planning, aiming to discover new ways to secure their investments. Investing in real estate, in countries where tax incentives for wealthy individuals have proliferated, has been one of the most prominent methods, in the past three years, to accomplish that.
Yet, predictions following the turbulent events of 2020 were ascertaining a decline in wealth movement due to the highly volatile conditions caused by the COVID-19 pandemic globally. However, that was not the case. Instead, the need for wealth management planning and diversification of wealthy individuals’ portfolios became more apparent than ever, leading wealthy individuals into a re-assessment of their business and lifestyle needs. In that context, real estate investments, accompanied by residence and citizenship rights and privileges, are rapidly becoming essential assets for those individuals wishing to not only maintain but also increase their network value.
That being said, the residence and citizenship benefits offered by most EU Member-States have attracted High-Network Individuals from all around the globe. Mainly basing their investment decisions on tax benefits, safety, market access and considering the ramifications of Brexit, more and more individuals pursue such investment opportunities in countries with a business-friendly approach in their immigration schemes, such as Greece.
In concrete terms, Greece has experienced a tremendous increase of investors benefiting from its Golden Visa legislation, concerning real estate investments, rendering it an ideal destination for many. Indicatively, until September of 2020, the number of applications for residence permits based on the Golden Visa program has reached the 7903 applications. While Asian and European citizens still form the majority of investors, the number of American, Canadian and Australian citizens is also increasing rapidly.
Being among the most experienced law firms in this sector in Greece, Amoiridis Law Services® is focusing all efforts into assisting our vast international clientele navigate in these times of uncertainty and successfully proceed with their investments. If you are one of the many interested in investing in Greece, taking advantage of the residence and citizenship benefits offered, do not hesitate to visit our website (https://www.law-services.gr/golden-visa-in-greece/) and contact us directly for further information.
For any further information and clarifications please do not hesitate to contact our qualified legal team, ready to provide you with further personalised information tailored to your needs and your profile.
You can email us: or call/text us directly at : +306908351705
Athens, September 2020
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